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Danse / Dance

Tashan Dikhla Ja

Tashan Dance Company is throwing its annual recital, and trust us, you definitely don’t want to miss out! We’re a South Asian Fusion dance company bringing you the ultimate mix of drama, culture, and flair! Get ready for an exciting night with performances from the Tashan team and exciting guest dancers from all kinds of styles. There’ll be tasty snacks to munch on and, of course, a fun-filled musical to keep you entertained! There will be a 15-minute intermission. Instagram: @tashandancecompany

Location Théâtre MainLine

subvenue MainSpace

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Midnight Revelry

Come join us for our Winter concert. Be ready to experience a 2h set of soothing A Cappella music.   Doors: 6:30pm Show: 7:00pm Latecomers: Throughout ****** Venez assister à notre concert d'hiver. Préparez-vous à être envoûtés durant 2 heures de musique A Cappella.   Portes: 18:30 Spectacle: 19:00 Retardataires: Tout au long  

Location Théâtre MainLine

subvenue MainSpace

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Hadestown: Teen Edition is an adaptation of the Tony Award-winning musical Hadestown by Anaïs Mitchell, blending the Greek myth of Orpheus with contemporary folk and jazz. Orpheus, a gifted musician with boundless hope, falls in love with Eurydice, a young woman struggling to survive in a world of hardship. When Eurydice accepts a mysterious offer and descends into Hadestown—a mechanized underworld ruled by the formidable Hades—their love is put to the ultimate test. In a place where fate is unforgiving and trust is fragile, will they find their way back to each other? Producers: Patrick Li, Milanda Luo, Celina Xu Directors: Xixi Wang, Joshua Lim, Andrew Yile Zhang CAST: Hermes: Elizabeth Lyeshchyner Orpheus: Oliver Shiyue Qin Eurydice: Shenelle C. Boceta Hades: Anthony Bertucci Persephone: Agnes Yuanfei Liang Fates: Samantha Chernis, Kefei Wu, Chelsea Ly Workers: Binta Fatoumata, Christos Saropoulos, Elyar Aghapour, Kai Wei Fung You Ten, Shajanthini Nirajan, Shirley Yang, Sophia-Yang Li   Tickets are $20 online or $23 at the door.  Latecomers will remain in the lobby until intermission.  Facebook: Marianopolis Musical Club Instagram: @marimusicall #Hadestown #MariStudentUnion #Marimusical

Location Théâtre MainLine

subvenue MainSpace

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Danse / Dance, Anglais / English, Théâtre / Theatre

SWALLOW: after fragments of Sophocles

SWALLOW is an immersive reconstruction of Sophocles’ lost tragedy Tereus, reimagined through contemporary dance, 3D projections, and soundscape art. Inspired by the fourteen surviving fragments of the lost play, SWALLOW follows in the footsteps of Sophocles’ mute heroine Philomela, who used artistic creation to turn her trauma into resistance. In this bold and imaginative performance, the past and present combine, weaving together mythology and modern media to reconstruct a lost story of trauma, truth, and transformation. Directed by Adam Zanin and Cloe Comstock Written by Adam Zanin Choreography by Chloe Comstock Assistant Director: Henry Kemeny-Wodlinger Digital Artist: Noah Kornberg Performer: Gabrielle Germain Performer: Sam Snyders Dancers: Ellie Horton, Julia Gauthier, Marcela Calandria ,Samuel Duvall, Simon Armeni-Crowe, Beatrice Mathieu, Niko Alevizakis ******* SWALLOW est une reconstitution immersive de la tragédie perdue Térée de Sophocle, réimaginée à travers la danse contemporaine, des projections 3D et l’art du paysage sonore. Inspiré par les quatorze fragments survivants de la pièce disparue, SWALLOW suit les traces de Philomèle, l’héroïne muette de Sophocle, qui a utilisé la création artistique pour transformer son traumatisme en résistance. Dans cette performance audacieuse et imaginative, le passé et le présent se rejoignent, mêlant mythologie et médias modernes pour reconstruire une histoire perdue de traumatisme, vérité et transformation.   Latecomers/Retardataires: Tout au long / Throughout

Location Théâtre MainLine

subvenue MainSpace

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Dr. Sketchy Montreal - Bowser avec/with Enshantay

Séance # 184 - Bowser Joignez-vous à notre séance de dessin selon modèle vivant et montez de niveau avec Enshantay, Reine des Koopas! Pendant cette confrontation de boss, dessinez sa carapace piquante et son aura imposante.  Apportez votre carnet de croquis et boostez vos talents artistiques! Cet atelier est ouvert à tous les niveaux. Date : Samedi 12 avril 2025 Heure : 14h00 - 17h00 Lieu : Théâtre MainLine, 3997, boul. Saint-Laurent. *** Session # 184 - Bowser Join us for a life drawing event and level up with Enshantay, Queen of the Koopas! During this epic boss battle, sketch her spiked shell and fierce presence.  Bring your sketchbook and power up your creative skills! This workshop is open to all levels. Date: Saturday, April 12, 2025 Time: 2:00 - 5:00 PM Venue: MainLine Theatre, 3997 St-Laurent Blvd.

Location Théâtre MainLine

subvenue MainSpace

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Comédie / Comedy, Danse / Dance, Théâtre Musical / Musical Theatre, Cabaret / Cabaret, Théâtre / Theatre, Improvisation / Improv

CAST Cabaret

The Concordia Association of Students in Theatre will all gather on April 13th to celebrate the end of the school year by performing a series of variety acts showcasing what are students love to do: PERFORMANCE! Tickets are Pay What You Decide! Latecomer policy: 15 minutes Instagram:: @castmtl Website:https://writetocast.wixsite.com/website #castcabaret #cast #concordia #studentlife #theatre

Location Théâtre MainLine

subvenue MainSpace

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Cirque / Circus, Musique / Music, Danse / Dance, Bilingue / Bilingual

Lust in the Leaves

Effeuillage Luxuriant est un voyage envoûtant au cœur d’une forêt mystérieuse où la magie et le mystère s’entrelacent. Fruit d’une collaboration captivante entre Cirque Célestial et le groupe de trip-hop SU, ce spectacle étudiant unique en son genre mêle burlesque, pole et musique live pour donner vie à l’univers enchanteur de la nature, mettant en vedette des artistes de tous niveaux, des débutants aux professionnels. Des faes espiègles aux créatures assoupies, en passant par les nymphes insaisissables et les elfes éthérés, chaque numéro se tisse au rythme de la musique, vous invitant à vous perdre dans la beauté sauvage et indomptée de la forêt. Musique par SU & chorégraphie par Audrey Absinthe, Miz K, Lychee Storm, Pastel Trashy, Cyren, Flowy Wendy, et Debbie Retardataires: Tout au long ************** Lust in the Leaves is an enchanting journey into a mysterious forest where mystery and magic intertwine. A spellbinding collaboration between Cirque Célestial and trip-hop band SU, this one-of-a-kind student showcase blends burlesque, pole, and live music to bring the woodland to life while featuring beginner to professional performers. From mischievous fae to slumbering creatures, elusive nymphs, and ethereal elves, each act is woven into the rhythm of the live music, inviting you to lose yourself in the wild, untamed beauty of the forest. Featuring music by SU & choreography by Audrey Absinthe, Miz K, Lychee Storm, Pastel Trashy, Cyren, Flowy Wendy, and Debbie Latecomers: Throughout

Location Théâtre MainLine

subvenue MainSpace

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Anglais / English

Reservoir Dogs: A Live Staged Reading

It’s Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs live on stage, like you’ve never seen it before. This one-of-a-kind live staged reading of this quintessential male bonding heist movie will feature an all woman cast. It’s a benefit show for the Canadian Women’s Foundation. From the same people that brought you live all women versions of the action movie classics Die Hard and Predator. One night only on Sunday April 27, 8PM. Adapted and directed by Terence Bowman. Cast: Heidi Lynn Weeks, Ali Maynard, Felicia Shulman-Rowat, Deena Azziz, Susan Bain and Patricia Manessy. Adapted and directed by Terence Bowman. Tickets:$16.25 (in advance)$20.00 (at the door) *************** C’est Reservoir Dogs de Quentin Tarantino en direct sur scène, comme vous ne l’avez jamais vu auparavant. Cette lecture en direct unique en son genre de ce film de braquage de liens masculins par excellence mettra en vedette un casting entièrement féminin. C’est un spectacle-bénéfice pour la Fondation Canadienne des Femmes. Par les mêmes personnes qui vous ont présenté des versions en direct entièrement féminines des classiques du cinéma d’action Die Hard et Predator. Une soirée seulement le dimanche 27 avril, à 20 h. Adapté et réalisé par Terence Bowman. Distribution: Heidi Lynn Weeks, Ali Maynard, Felicia Shulman-Rowat, Deena Azziz, Susan Bain et Patricia Manessy. Adaptation et mise-en-scène par Terence Bowman. Billets:16,25 $ (en avance)20,00 $ (à la porte) Latecomers/Retardataires: Tout au long / Throughout

Location Théâtre MainLine

subvenue MainSpace

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Danse / Dance

Tashan Dikhla Ja

Tashan Dance Company is throwing its annual recital, and trust us, you definitely don’t want to miss out! We’re a South Asian Fusion dance company bringing you the ultimate mix of drama, culture, and flair! Get ready for an exciting night with performances from the Tashan team and exciting guest dancers from all kinds of styles. There’ll be tasty snacks to munch on and, of course, a fun-filled musical to keep you entertained! There will be a 15-minute intermission. Instagram: @tashandancecompany

Location Théâtre MainLine

subvenue MainSpace

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Midnight Revelry

Come join us for our Winter concert. Be ready to experience a 2h set of soothing A Cappella music.   Doors: 6:30pm Show: 7:00pm Latecomers: Throughout ****** Venez assister à notre concert d'hiver. Préparez-vous à être envoûtés durant 2 heures de musique A Cappella.   Portes: 18:30 Spectacle: 19:00 Retardataires: Tout au long  

Location Théâtre MainLine

subvenue MainSpace

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Hadestown: Teen Edition is an adaptation of the Tony Award-winning musical Hadestown by Anaïs Mitchell, blending the Greek myth of Orpheus with contemporary folk and jazz. Orpheus, a gifted musician with boundless hope, falls in love with Eurydice, a young woman struggling to survive in a world of hardship. When Eurydice accepts a mysterious offer and descends into Hadestown—a mechanized underworld ruled by the formidable Hades—their love is put to the ultimate test. In a place where fate is unforgiving and trust is fragile, will they find their way back to each other? Producers: Patrick Li, Milanda Luo, Celina Xu Directors: Xixi Wang, Joshua Lim, Andrew Yile Zhang CAST: Hermes: Elizabeth Lyeshchyner Orpheus: Oliver Shiyue Qin Eurydice: Shenelle C. Boceta Hades: Anthony Bertucci Persephone: Agnes Yuanfei Liang Fates: Samantha Chernis, Kefei Wu, Chelsea Ly Workers: Binta Fatoumata, Christos Saropoulos, Elyar Aghapour, Kai Wei Fung You Ten, Shajanthini Nirajan, Shirley Yang, Sophia-Yang Li   Tickets are $20 online or $23 at the door.  Latecomers will remain in the lobby until intermission.  Facebook: Marianopolis Musical Club Instagram: @marimusicall #Hadestown #MariStudentUnion #Marimusical

Location Théâtre MainLine

subvenue MainSpace

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Danse / Dance, Anglais / English, Théâtre / Theatre

SWALLOW: after fragments of Sophocles

SWALLOW is an immersive reconstruction of Sophocles’ lost tragedy Tereus, reimagined through contemporary dance, 3D projections, and soundscape art. Inspired by the fourteen surviving fragments of the lost play, SWALLOW follows in the footsteps of Sophocles’ mute heroine Philomela, who used artistic creation to turn her trauma into resistance. In this bold and imaginative performance, the past and present combine, weaving together mythology and modern media to reconstruct a lost story of trauma, truth, and transformation. Directed by Adam Zanin and Cloe Comstock Written by Adam Zanin Choreography by Chloe Comstock Assistant Director: Henry Kemeny-Wodlinger Digital Artist: Noah Kornberg Performer: Gabrielle Germain Performer: Sam Snyders Dancers: Ellie Horton, Julia Gauthier, Marcela Calandria ,Samuel Duvall, Simon Armeni-Crowe, Beatrice Mathieu, Niko Alevizakis ******* SWALLOW est une reconstitution immersive de la tragédie perdue Térée de Sophocle, réimaginée à travers la danse contemporaine, des projections 3D et l’art du paysage sonore. Inspiré par les quatorze fragments survivants de la pièce disparue, SWALLOW suit les traces de Philomèle, l’héroïne muette de Sophocle, qui a utilisé la création artistique pour transformer son traumatisme en résistance. Dans cette performance audacieuse et imaginative, le passé et le présent se rejoignent, mêlant mythologie et médias modernes pour reconstruire une histoire perdue de traumatisme, vérité et transformation.   Latecomers/Retardataires: Tout au long / Throughout

Location Théâtre MainLine

subvenue MainSpace

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Dr. Sketchy Montreal - Bowser avec/with Enshantay

Séance # 184 - Bowser Joignez-vous à notre séance de dessin selon modèle vivant et montez de niveau avec Enshantay, Reine des Koopas! Pendant cette confrontation de boss, dessinez sa carapace piquante et son aura imposante.  Apportez votre carnet de croquis et boostez vos talents artistiques! Cet atelier est ouvert à tous les niveaux. Date : Samedi 12 avril 2025 Heure : 14h00 - 17h00 Lieu : Théâtre MainLine, 3997, boul. Saint-Laurent. *** Session # 184 - Bowser Join us for a life drawing event and level up with Enshantay, Queen of the Koopas! During this epic boss battle, sketch her spiked shell and fierce presence.  Bring your sketchbook and power up your creative skills! This workshop is open to all levels. Date: Saturday, April 12, 2025 Time: 2:00 - 5:00 PM Venue: MainLine Theatre, 3997 St-Laurent Blvd.

Location Théâtre MainLine

subvenue MainSpace

Event Image
Comédie / Comedy, Danse / Dance, Théâtre Musical / Musical Theatre, Cabaret / Cabaret, Théâtre / Theatre, Improvisation / Improv

CAST Cabaret

The Concordia Association of Students in Theatre will all gather on April 13th to celebrate the end of the school year by performing a series of variety acts showcasing what are students love to do: PERFORMANCE! Tickets are Pay What You Decide! Latecomer policy: 15 minutes Instagram:: @castmtl Website:https://writetocast.wixsite.com/website #castcabaret #cast #concordia #studentlife #theatre

Location Théâtre MainLine

subvenue MainSpace

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Cirque / Circus, Musique / Music, Danse / Dance, Bilingue / Bilingual

Lust in the Leaves

Effeuillage Luxuriant est un voyage envoûtant au cœur d’une forêt mystérieuse où la magie et le mystère s’entrelacent. Fruit d’une collaboration captivante entre Cirque Célestial et le groupe de trip-hop SU, ce spectacle étudiant unique en son genre mêle burlesque, pole et musique live pour donner vie à l’univers enchanteur de la nature, mettant en vedette des artistes de tous niveaux, des débutants aux professionnels. Des faes espiègles aux créatures assoupies, en passant par les nymphes insaisissables et les elfes éthérés, chaque numéro se tisse au rythme de la musique, vous invitant à vous perdre dans la beauté sauvage et indomptée de la forêt. Musique par SU & chorégraphie par Audrey Absinthe, Miz K, Lychee Storm, Pastel Trashy, Cyren, Flowy Wendy, et Debbie Retardataires: Tout au long ************** Lust in the Leaves is an enchanting journey into a mysterious forest where mystery and magic intertwine. A spellbinding collaboration between Cirque Célestial and trip-hop band SU, this one-of-a-kind student showcase blends burlesque, pole, and live music to bring the woodland to life while featuring beginner to professional performers. From mischievous fae to slumbering creatures, elusive nymphs, and ethereal elves, each act is woven into the rhythm of the live music, inviting you to lose yourself in the wild, untamed beauty of the forest. Featuring music by SU & choreography by Audrey Absinthe, Miz K, Lychee Storm, Pastel Trashy, Cyren, Flowy Wendy, and Debbie Latecomers: Throughout

Location Théâtre MainLine

subvenue MainSpace

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Anglais / English

Reservoir Dogs: A Live Staged Reading

It’s Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs live on stage, like you’ve never seen it before. This one-of-a-kind live staged reading of this quintessential male bonding heist movie will feature an all woman cast. It’s a benefit show for the Canadian Women’s Foundation. From the same people that brought you live all women versions of the action movie classics Die Hard and Predator. One night only on Sunday April 27, 8PM. Adapted and directed by Terence Bowman. Cast: Heidi Lynn Weeks, Ali Maynard, Felicia Shulman-Rowat, Deena Azziz, Susan Bain and Patricia Manessy. Adapted and directed by Terence Bowman. Tickets:$16.25 (in advance)$20.00 (at the door) *************** C’est Reservoir Dogs de Quentin Tarantino en direct sur scène, comme vous ne l’avez jamais vu auparavant. Cette lecture en direct unique en son genre de ce film de braquage de liens masculins par excellence mettra en vedette un casting entièrement féminin. C’est un spectacle-bénéfice pour la Fondation Canadienne des Femmes. Par les mêmes personnes qui vous ont présenté des versions en direct entièrement féminines des classiques du cinéma d’action Die Hard et Predator. Une soirée seulement le dimanche 27 avril, à 20 h. Adapté et réalisé par Terence Bowman. Distribution: Heidi Lynn Weeks, Ali Maynard, Felicia Shulman-Rowat, Deena Azziz, Susan Bain et Patricia Manessy. Adaptation et mise-en-scène par Terence Bowman. Billets:16,25 $ (en avance)20,00 $ (à la porte) Latecomers/Retardataires: Tout au long / Throughout

Location Théâtre MainLine

subvenue MainSpace

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