Musique / Music, Théâtre / Theatre, Conte / Storytelling, Spectacle Solo / Solo Show

Me and Her


Do you really know who you are if you haven't given sponge baths and morphine shots to the person you love most? Step into my world of deathbed vigils, starry desert nights, Indian bus travel and kisses with nomads. If you didn't hate Eat Pray Love, you'll love this.

Writer and Performer: Caroline Gauthier

Director and Dramaturg: Paul Van Dyck

Sound designer: Joey Zaurini

Costume and Set designer: Vanessa Alarie

Stage manager: Mary Davidson

Lighting Designer: Manuel Acevedo Civantos

Creative Coach: Mael Cheff

Photographer: Oscar Aguirre

Marketing and Admin Assistant: Danielle Doiron

From Montreal, QC

World Premiere


Latecomers: 15 minutes

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