Comédie / Comedy, Spectacle Solo / Solo Show, Théâtre / Theatre, Slam/Poésie / Spoken Word, Conte / Storytelling


Weeping Spoon Productions

Join two Australian actors trapped in a car traveling through the outback while recapping hilarious tales of misadventure, success and failure from decades of touring. Featuring fringe-favourites Shane Adamczak & Sam Longley in an Award-Winning meta-comedy about perseverance, patience, survival and questionable truck stop snacks. ★★★★✭ – Fringefeed ★★★★– X-Press ★★★★ - Clothesline

Playwrights: Shane Adamczak, Sam Longley

Directors: Shane Adamczak, Sam Longley

From Australia

Canadian Premiere


Latecomers: 10 minutes

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