Danse / Dance, Théâtre / Theatre, Pluridisciplinaire / Multidisciplinary, Performance / Performance Art

So You Think That Was Dance?

Karen Fennell

Un «micro ouvert» pour la danse contemporaine. Huit pièces courtes, non organisées, non censurées, imprévisibles. Un petit quelque chose pour tous les goûts!

A hot platform for performance experimentation hosted by contemporary dance artist Karen Fennell. Emerging and established performance-makers are invited to share their freshest and most burning ideas in works of 10 minutes or less. Stick around afterwards for drinks and informal discussion - Did YOU think THAT was DANCE ...?!

Hôtesse/Host: Karen Fennell

De/From: Montréal, QC

Non-langue spécifique/Non-language Specific

Retardataires/Latecomers: Tout au long/Throughout



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